Dunham does more than you may know

Illustration of a hands coming out of a laptop screen with holograms of various IT, computer, and security icons

Can you name all the services the Dunham Connect offers? Even our long term clients are occasionally surprised when we tell them that we can help them with a certain problem. Maybe you don’t know we act as a one-stop shop for all your digital and hardware needs.

Read the full article Dunham does more than you may know

Preparing Your Organization for the End of Windows 10 Support

Windows 10 end-of-life

A significant technological shift on the horizon is the impending end of support for Windows 10.

Read the full article Preparing Your Organization for the End of Windows 10 Support

Google is blocking your business emails for the greater good! 

1 paper airplane getting through blockade

Nobody enjoys opening their email to spend the first few moments deleting and marking emails as spam. Everyone is trying their best to combat spam on a personal level. If you want to know more about what you can do, Jeremy McMaster talks about preventing your email from getting hacked in this article.  What are […]

Read the full article Google is blocking your business emails for the greater good! 

Microsoft 365 vs Google Workspace

Google vs Microsoft boxing match

Google and Microsoft both offer an amazing suite of products to improve office collaboration and productivity. Which is best for your business, and how should you use them?

Read the full article Microsoft 365 vs Google Workspace

Why has Microsoft Outlook stopped working?

Basic authentication

Starting in January 2023, Microsoft has stopped supporting Basic authentication in Exchange Online to improve security.

Read the full article Why has Microsoft Outlook stopped working?

Announcement regarding Ontario State of Emergency

Remote IT support

First and foremost, thank you for being a valued client or future client of Dunham Connect. We appreciate working with all of our partners especially during these ever changing and challenging times. Ontario has declared a state of emergency requiring people to stay at home whenever possible. Non-essential businesses and schools are being forced to […]

Read the full article Announcement regarding Ontario State of Emergency

How to prevent your email from getting hacked

Email service

If you have a computer or a phone, chances are you have at least one email account. Emailing has cemented itself as a vital form of communication and is here to stay. While there are a great many benefits of using email as your form of communication, there has been an epidemic of spam that […]

Read the full article How to prevent your email from getting hacked

Putting the roof over your head

DeLuca Roofing Fiinished Job

When we think of a comfortable and secure life, one of the first things that comes to mind is the place in which we live and love to call home, that place which is reflected in the age-old expression “putting a roof over one’s head”. Our client spotlight for this week covers a company that […]

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COVID-19: Is your business ready?

COVID-19 Virus

With the worldwide coronavirus pandemic slowly seeping into Toronto and the surrounding area, the possibility of having to work from home is growing rapidly. Ensuring that your office is protected against this threat is imperative for businesses of any size: big or small. What Can We Do For You? Our team of software engineers and […]

Read the full article COVID-19: Is your business ready?

Why migrate to the AWS cloud?

AWS Migration

So your servers need replacing? You have three basic options moving forward: Upgrade your current servers Put your data on the cloud Some combination of on-premises and cloud If you want to go the traditional route and keep your data on-premises, there is a significant capital expenditure right off the bat. You will have to […]

Read the full article Why migrate to the AWS cloud?