happy woman working at her business

Easy and secure

Mobile Device Management

You can proactively monitor/manage and secure your devices to ensure your data remains safe. If you’ve got mobile tablets or devices that need management, we can help.

Mobile phones are at the heart of business communications. Email, video conferencing, file management/ storage, password management, and computing are all workloads that have been employees now perform on their mobile devices. With all of these important tasks and all of this invaluable data sitting on those devices, ongoing management and maintenance is extremely important.

Mobile phone image with contacts listed

Our mobile device management services include:

  • Monitoring of overall performance and device health including device updates
  • Secure network access (VPN)
  • Restrictions on how data can be transmitted
  • Restrictions on the apps that can be installed
  • Monitoring for abnormal or unsanctioned usage

Let our team show your business how you can proactively monitor/manage and secure your devices to ensure your data remains safe. If you’ve got mobile tablets or devices that need management.