Announcement regarding Ontario State of Emergency

First and foremost, thank you for being a valued client or future client of Dunham Connect. We appreciate working with all of our partners especially during these ever changing and challenging times.
Ontario has declared a state of emergency requiring people to stay at home whenever possible. Non-essential businesses and schools are being forced to close and many workers will be working from home until February 11th 2021. Businesses that are categorized as essential can remain open however under very strict new protocols.
At Dunham Connect we are very fortunate to work with a diverse client base. Whether your business has been designated as essential or not, understand we consider all of our partners essential. Rest assured we will continue to provide ongoing support and service ensuring your business can continue to operate during these difficult times. This can mean assisting you and your staff to work from home or perhaps ramp up production because of increased demand due to COVID-19. The bottom line is, we are here to help.
Dunham Connect and specifically the sector we operate, has been designated an essential service allowing us to continue operations. As such, we are still permitted to come onsite when required. To protect our staff and your staff we will be focusing on using all means of remote support when possible. If and when it is determined that remote support simply will not work, we will deploy resources to your location to complete the required tasks. In that event, we are asking our clients to strictly adhere to the following safety protocols:
- All staff must be “fully” masked during the duration of our visit.
- A minimum of 6 feet of social distancing must be maintained for the entirety of the visit.
- A cleaned/sanitized workspace must be provided for the safety of our staff.
Our staff will also be taking additional precautions by adhering to all of the above as well as we will be using sanitizing wipes on any equipment we are in contact with.
At Dunham Connect we believe in our team, our partners and our community. By working together, we will all get through these challenging times.
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